#Beneath a moonless sky
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loonyloopylupin96 · 1 month ago
If PoA was a musical...
The Shrieking Shack -
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aliensamba · 25 days ago
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Love Never Dies
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sakuraiss · 1 year ago
Beneath a moonless sky - Once upon another time (Luke McCall & Manon Taris)
from Lover Never Dies Asia Tour 29/10/2023 Shanghai Evening
Luke McCall as the Phantom
Manon Taris as Christine Daaé
-Please do not share this audio outside of Tumblr-
(sry but no trading for now)
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areinca · 1 year ago
something i wrote ages ago that feels like a tumblr post so i edited and posted it
the most unrealistic part of Beneath a Moonless Sky is that it was able to happen at all. you know that i know that we know if Christine came back after Final Lair, after all the events that happened like "ok im back lets fuck", with Erik (the phantom of the opera, yes, that is his name let’s call him that he is not a ghost he is just a guy he says so himself, explicitly in the book) in the mental and emotional state he was in in Phantom and in that song in general, he would need at LEAST 9-10 business days to recover and process it i mean come on you really think he would be like "ok slay lets do it" after all the emotional turmoil of final lair even if he did agree because you also know that theres no way that he would agree to that, he literally told them to go now and leave him (paraphrased quote from final lair) but let's say for some reason he did, he would either pass out or shut down (erik.exe is not working fr) or completely fall apart because come on ALW did you watch phantom? did you watch final lair? you WROTE those songs. he would not be touching her and feeling her and hearing those ravishing refrains of the singing in her veins (paraphrased literal lyrics from beneath a moonless sky) he would be screaming crying eating furniture and you know it ALW come on ALW you can't tell me you DONT know it you WROTE PHANTOM
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abonnymouse · 9 months ago
Watched LND on the stream the other day and I had some Thoughts
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kotaka-kun · 3 months ago
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my spotify wrapped was in no way a surprise to me,, literally my top 5 for both songs and artists are tied to my poto hyperfixation, jpop included (erik coded erik coded erik coded),,,,, but also like. not the ALW jumpscare at the end of my wrapped fkcbskdbskdbsk
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anobsessedchocolatechip · 2 years ago
The entirety of Beneath A Moonless Sky is so hilarious to me. Christine, about to get married, randomly shows up to wherever the hell Erik is, to “tell him she must go,” which like. Imagine going somewhere with the sole intention of saying hey mate I gotta go.
Then they do the good ol devil’s tango not once, not twice, but
Again and then again
(Let’s not even get into the logistics of that)
And then Erik, who just got the woman of his dreams, does the least Erik thing possible and just. Bounces. Just leaves her in bed.
The entire thing is just s o out of character why am I obsessed
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qernn · 9 months ago
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Fear can turn to love. You’ll learn to see the man behind the monster. This repulsive carcass which seems a beast, but secretly yearns for heaven, secretly, secretly, secretly. Oh Christine.
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music-in-my-veins14 · 9 months ago
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lyrakarma · 1 year ago
Mafdet will deny it but Beneath a Moonless Sky from Love Never Dies is such a her and Khonshu coded song. Let's face it, they've hate fucked a few times I'm sure...🙄
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loonyloopylupin96 · 30 days ago
If PoA was a musical...
Remus after Sirius breaks into the castle with a knife...
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oldbutchdanielcraig · 1 year ago
another of my favorite times in rpf history: does anyone remember when broadway stars ramin karimloo and sierra boggess were cast as the phantom and christine for the universally panned phantom of the opera sequel love never dies on the west end in 2010 and subsequently in the 25th anniversary performance recorded live at royal albert hall in 2011. and sort of relatedly alw said sierra boggess was how he always pictured christine in his mind. and ramin and sierra became very close and had out of this world chemistry and regularly recorded backstage “broadway diaries” packed full of sexual tension and were always posting about each other on instagram. and then a couple of years later they stopped posting about each other (and i think also unfollowed each other?) and ramin started posting about his wife a LOT more and then he said he’d never sing any of the songs from love never dies because it reminded him of a difficult time for him and his family. i know they did it but i just can’t prove it
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quantumlogician · 18 days ago
📝Catching muse writing a love letter — @risingxsparks
Starscream had been mulling over this for some time. Worrying into the cobalt blue paint of his knuckles: starting, stopping, restarting. He's attempted on digital mediums, physical mediums, he's even considered funneling all of his delicate emotions into Seeker-song.
None of them felt quite adequate enough to capture all the engendered nuance that comprised the feelings he wanted to put down. Whenever he knew he'd be alone for a long night, he'd pace before his tall crystalline windows, wondering if he'd be wasting his time trying to put such elusive construction into word. A gift, a service, or even a generous action would speak more to his character than mere words. He knew that he's exhausted all measly sayings, perverting their true meaning with his smug, insincere flattery.
Speech is what he was best at. It was his utmost valued skilled, refined into both a tool and a weapon. So, why was he approaching such a task as letter writing as if it were an expert maneuver and not a funnel of communication from one mech to another.
Tapping his pen into the table, he tries again on his datapad, scraping together an outline at this point:
Dearest Windblade of Caminus —
The pen idles over the line beneath, a blank spot awaiting to be written into. He vents heavy into the cold air, trying to collect his thoughts and find a starting point.
I wanted to write what hasn't been said before.
No. That isn't romantic. He crosses out over the wording, returning back to blank.
I know this method of delivery is abnormal for me. My usual lines of adulation are better formatted in what would be heard, however we are of not the same origin, so I will meet at the middle and place my cherished thoughts into a medium we can both understand without mistake.
Okay, that is good. All the formal junk, aside, he continues.
Remember when-
Crossed out. Remembrance is not romantic. Not for them; whose shared memories were born of malice and political entreaty.
I'll be frank. You've born witness to me and I detest that. The moment you've looked into my optics through the shadow curtain cast from my helm, I hated this knowing look you had. Not because you saw me, rather you saw me and you seemed to— oh, I don't know... Feel sympathy? There existed this want to learn of me. To understand. Many have tried, many have failed. Many had succeeded and proceeded to make a show of it, grinding my nose down into the pavement to smooth out all the conceit and sadism out of me. You didn't. You never really did actually. I'd say it's infuriating, but you've come to make me understand that perhaps, it was something I've desperately needed. I don't enjoy people forcing me to come upon revelations. I've had plenty in my lifetime and I don't need anymore, but in all my vorns being among my own kind and expecting everything up until the second someone might incur feelings of doubt— you are a fresh breath among all the expectation. I enjoy that about you. This ability of yours to make me view life through purple lens instead of these red ones. To see with a spark that sings true in a coat of blue, instead of this crimson one discolored from ash, ego, and war. I—
Starscream's pen halts in its stroke, his audials catching the soft hiss of hydraulics sliding open and the familiar metallic tapping of someone's lithe frame.
Never faster he was clicking the datapad off and flipping it over face down. Such habits were not abnormal and he assumed she wouldn't think anything of it.
" Windblade, " he plastered a greeting smile over his lips, his fangs, a bit too cheery than normal, " what did we discuss about you hopping into my hab without forewarning? "
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phantom-sith · 10 months ago
Rekindled Symphony
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Two months since Phantom's Opera, Christine questions her future and the unsettling feelings that have continued to haunt her. Wishing nothing more than to put her past to rest so she can move on with her life without regret, she seeks out the man who tormented her.
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queeravatar · 3 months ago
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dearest-darlingest · 2 years ago
was listening to "friends 'til the end" by shipwrecked comedy, a song about a young girl and her strange, older lover who has a fixation with her throat
not to be confused with phantom of the opera, a musical about a young girl and her strange, older (kind of) lover who has a fixation with her throat
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